Monday, September 18, 2023

Lambert Allen Caraway’s Service in World War I with the 24th Aero Squadron

After lengthy research, I am pleased to publish a research paper that documents my great-uncle Lambert Allen Caraway's service in WWI.

This compilation originally was an attempt to track the places Lambert served in the military during WWI with dates and any photos taken at the time he was serving in those places. But in the course of my research, some intriguing tidbits came to light that, for me, shed light on why, only a few months after returning home seemingly unharmed from the war, Lambert died of “septic cerebral meningitis”—hence, the reason why this the timeline of the narrative begins prior to Lambert’s enlistment.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

The first residence of Jake and Elsie Caraway

On 13 Jul 2023, I was doing family history research on Jake Caraway’s life timeline. I was tracking where he lived and when, as well as where he worked and when. I found the home address in Oakland of where Jake and Elsie first lived when they got married (and where they brought home their first child, Ann). The address was 2240 Hopkins Street in Oakland.

In doing some online sleuthing, I happened to find an old photo from 1940 on the Oakland Public Library online archive and the caption showed that Hopkins Street later became MacArthur Boulevard.

I then searched Google Earth to find what the current address looks like and found that an historic apartment building still stands there. 

Then I went back to the 1940 photo and discovered that the very apartment building is in the old photo! So the photo shows EXACTLY what the neighborhood looked like when Jake and Elsie lived there!

Another fun discovery...When I looked closely at the texture of the building, the vent grates, and the banding along the bottom of the building, it realized it was the background in the photos we have of Jake holding Ann when she was a baby as well as the ones of the two of them when Ann was a toddler. It's fun tidbits like these that make family history research come alive for me.

Monday, May 22, 2023

William Munce's Personal History

Read William Munce's Personal History here 

In 1960, William (Bill) Munce wrote his personal history at the request of his daughter, Elsie Munce Caraway. Transcriptions of the personal history are available to view on FamilySearch and Ancestry. I am providing a link to a backup for those unable to access those sites.

Read William Munce's Personal History here

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Poems by James Munce

Read Poems by James Munce here 

James Munce published a volume of poetry in the mid-1800s. According to the University of Pennsylvania's online books page the first edition was probably in 1863. A second edition (the one that the family is familiar with, has copies and an original of) was published in 1881 as "enlarged". And a small note under the author's name states "Author of 'The Three Kirks'" which is a work that hasn't been located to my knowledge. 

Google books has digitized the 1881 edition in full. I have downloaded the pdf and made it available for download in case Google books ever removes access to it. 

Read Poems by James Munce here